Photographer Lisa Brown helps us heal with her powerful images

Currently, the photographer Lisa Brown is someone I admire. Her willingness to take a chance on her dreams and her work is inspirational, to say the least.

These images speak to the experiences of Black women. Her work promotes the representation of Black people from the Black perspective. She uses a careful and caring eye throughout her photographic work.

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Adrian White’s photographs are a powerful reminder of Black existence

Moving through his work is very much traveling through a shared experience, our practices meet where White’s use of archival imagery comes into play.

Through his film, ‘White’s Only’ you can view some of the ways White uses his family archives to explore concepts of preservation, and at times loss. Certainly, a film one should spend time with.  

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From NY To LA: Sasha Stavila

I love the role of directing a shoot from the beginning to end, whether it’s starting on a storyboard, creating something out of nothing, and trying to see if a concept can be executed. I love the visual process of going on Pinterest to find some inspiration.

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Misfit to Songstress: Singer Marti Embraces Vulnerability and Captivates Crowds

When I have this whole Misfit Marti persona of like, you know, the girl with the safety pin in her nose. People like don't remember me or this very, like the hard alternative black girl who's very strong, and the music is very soft. It's very hard to let your guard down and be soft in front of strangers. When the whole world has told you not to ever do that, especially as a black woman. So I be freaking out.

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